One year

of Destination Earth

"The first year of DestinE has been very exciting as we managed to spin up the entire activity - from hiring staff, establishing our project administration, procuring the important external contributions to digital twins, use cases and technical support, to obtaining HPC access on the three EuroHPC pre-exascale systems and running first trials of digital twin components.

"At the same time, we are framing the phase-1 success stories for the new Destination Earth capabilities in collaboration with our partners and Member States. And, we are already preparing phase 2 to ensure that the initiative will achieve its ambition."
Peter Bauer

Celebrating year 1

ECMWF signed a contract with the European Commission to become an Entrusted Entity for the Destination Earth initiative on 15 December 2021. However, the official launch was actually held on the 30 March 2022.

Since both of these dates, an enormous amount of work has been undertaken within the organisation to ensure that the right team and tools are available to deliver upon our commitment in building a Digital Twin Engine and the first two digital twins; the Weather-Induced Extremes twin, and the Climate Change Adaptation twin.

“ This was a great first year and if I had to list three achievements, I would highlight the integrated structure and the close alignment of DestinE activities with our annual ECMWF plans; our rapid and successful recruiting thanks to the efforts of many across ECMWF, resulting in a team of a great and enthusiastic group of scientists quickly onboarding in our existing teams; and finally the good start of both our internal activities - with the global extremes digital twin and the digital twin engine, and of the procured activities: the on demand extremes DT, the climate DT and the use cases."
Irina Sandu

30 March 2022

Launch Day
On Wednesday 30 March 2022, the European Commission organised a public online event for the launch of the Destination Earth initiative, together with the implementing entities, ECMWF, ESA and EUMETSAT.

Read our launch news story

April 2022

Recruitment and building foundations
ECMWF continued the recruitment process and drafted the upcoming Invitations to tender. Setup meetings with key stakeholders such as the Euro HPC JU and other partnerships.  

May 2022

DestinE at LPS
Destination Earth featured at ESA’s biannual Living Planet Symposium. Irina Sandu, co-chaired the session Towards a Digital Twin of the Earth – advances and challenges ahead, and Digital Technology Lead for Destination Earth at ECMWF Nils Wedi explained ECMWF’s use of HPC.  Read our event story

At a glance...

66 Members of staff

30 News stories

5 ITTs launched

2 Direct awards undertaken

13 Contracts awarded

64 Entities from 24 European Countries involved

1 User eXchange Forum held

and more event participation than we can actually count...

June 2022

Launching ITTs
“With DestinE we’re putting cutting-edge science and technology in the hands of users that work on some of the most pressing problems of society today."
Peter Bauer
Read the full story 

Summer 2022

Most of the team is now in place
The Bonn office fills with new faces and the ECMWF team grows to the point where a whole new corridor is required to house everyone!

Autumn 2022

Awarding ITTs
- The On-demand Extremes digital twin is awarded to a European Consortium led by Météo France.
- The Climate Change Adaptation digital twin ITT is awarded to Finland's CSC IT Center for Technology.
- Agreement is reached with Italy's Cineca as an advisor in the adoption of new HPC cloud native technologies
- Agreement with ETP4HPC as an advisor on the adoption of the technology agenda.
- Visualisation ITT awarded to Italy’s Exprivia to provide AR/VR applications, big data processing and immersive data visualisation

The past year has seen one of the largest ever European technological enterprises in weather & climate taking shape, with more than 200 HPC experts, data analysts and scientists working together for the first time on a common goal: to implement and operate digital twins of the Earth system.

Nils Wedi

If I had to pick one science aspect I am pleased with, I would say that the work on the km-scale simulations is going exactly in the direction we were hoping it would go: we demonstrated both benefits but also importantly caveats of the km-scale simulations, and we are now working on addressing these - and this work is feeding directly into our ECMWF strategy. 

Irina Sandu

“I joined ECMWF last year to work on DestinE’s Digital Twin model for extreme weather events. One of the most enjoyable aspects of my work is the fantastic team here in Bonn. Brilliant and highly motivated people from all over Europe work together to make this project a success story.”

Birgit Sützl

“The DestinE capabilities should be co-designed with users. Engaging relevant users of the DestinE System already at the earliest stages of development is as challenging as it is central to our success. In this first year we have started building links and partnerships with selected stakeholders and user institutions. The first five contracted use cases will be important vehicles for substantiating these. Also, I was thrilled to see the large interest in DestinE at our initial DestinE User eXchange, which attracted over 400 participants.”

Jörn Hoffmann

“Destination Earth is not only a cutting-edge technology project that will help to understand the earth’s climate even better, but it also was a marvellous opportunity for ECMWF to grow as an organization. Running all EU-funded activities from Bonn means ECMWF has moved from a single-site to a multi-site inter-governmental powerhouse inside 5 years. That has brought about many challenges, some of which touch upon fundamental legal relations of the Centre. It has been a pleasure to see how adaptive both the Centre and all its Member States have been throughout this process – and an honour for the Legal Services Team to be a part of that!” 

Gregor Wettberg

“DestinE is a real enabler of collaborations in Europe in both the technical and scientific arena, ranging from extremes and climate prediction, visualisation, high-performance computing (with the support of EuroHPC) to application areas such as energy production, urban heat, forestry and flooding. At ECMWF alone, we collaborate on these topics with over 50 organisation from national services, academia and industry, leveraging their expertise to realise the vision of Destination Earth.”

Daniel Thiemert

"My favourite part of DestinE is the way it brings together a diverse range of experts from meteorologists to machine learners, all aiming towards a common goal. If you have a question, chances are there is an expert sitting a couple of doors away! "

Mariana Clare

"It has been important to me to be a part of the first year journey because I have had the freedom to learn from the wider ECMWF community, but then to shape the internal financial processes to fit to DE from the beginning, (hopefully) in sustainable way. I interact with the colleagues across the sites dealing with minor expenses to M€ contracts. It is fulfilling to be involved in every aspect of the finance and seeing how it all pieces together over the whole life this exciting and truly collaborative initiative."

Megan Thompson

“It has been an absolute pleasure to be part of this team's journey during its first year. The diversity and collaboration among our team members and contractors have been a highlight for me. We have contractors and subcontractors from 24 different countries working towards one same goal. I have gained so much knowledge from my colleagues and I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such talented and dedicated individuals. We have all been on a steep learning curve, but I am excited to continue growing and learning together as we move forward." 

 Juan Batlle Mercade

It is fair to say that ECMWF stands out as the leading provider of ideas, drives the science-technology revolution and manages the complex responsibility over all science, technology, legal, communication, accounting, contracts, human resource hurdles very smoothly. This is thanks to you, and many ECMWF staff members who are not funded by DestinE who have helped to make this happen."

Peter Bauer

Here's to a brilliant year and a brilliant team!

November 2022

Engaging the world with DestinE
In November, Irina Sandu presented ECMWF's role within the Destination Earth initiative at COP27
Nils Wedi presented at SC22 conference in Dallas, one of the few European to take part

December 2022 - March 2023

Kicking-off Use Cases and engaging with policymakers
“Use cases will be where DestinE covers the last mile, demonstrating actual applications in the real world, even whilst the project is still in the development phase. This is DestinE responding to the real needs of real users.”
Jörn Hoffmann

The remainder of the winter months proved to be busy with high-level events including, The European Space Conference, Science Business, ETP4HPC, The EuroHPC Summit and the EEA Network Conference.

Read about our Use Cases and our events on our dedicated news page

And the future?

Photos of events throughout the year

Florence Rabier at the DestinE launch

Florence Rabier at the DestinE launch

State Secretary Stephen Schnorr visits the office

State Secretary Stephen Schnorr visits the office

Irina Sandu at COP27

Irina Sandu at COP27

The DestinE team at the 1 year in Bonn event party

The DestinE team at the 1 year in Bonn event party

Nils Wedi at the first DestinE User Exchange Forum

Nils Wedi at the first DestinE User Exchange Forum

Peter Bauer presenting at the YOPP Final Summit

Peter Bauer presenting at the YOPP Final Summit

Thomas Geenen at the first Destination Earth User Exchange

Thomas Geenen at the first Destination Earth User Exchange

Peter Bauer at EuroHPC, March 2023

Peter Bauer at EuroHPC, March 2023

Florence Rabier presenting ECWMF, Copericus and DestinE at the EEA Conference March 2023

Florence Rabier presenting ECWMF, Copericus and DestinE at the EEA Conference March 2023

Florence Rabier presents Destination Earth at the European Space Conference

Florence Rabier presents Destination Earth at the European Space Conference

Florence Rabier learning about the interactive Wake tool at LPS

Florence Rabier learning about the interactive Wake tool at LPS

Irina Sandu presenting at LPS2022

Irina Sandu presenting at LPS2022

Peter Bauer speaking at Science Business in Brussels

Peter Bauer speaking at Science Business in Brussels

Item 1 of 16

Florence Rabier at the DestinE launch

Florence Rabier at the DestinE launch

State Secretary Stephen Schnorr visits the office

State Secretary Stephen Schnorr visits the office

Irina Sandu at COP27

Irina Sandu at COP27

The DestinE team at the 1 year in Bonn event party

The DestinE team at the 1 year in Bonn event party

Nils Wedi at the first DestinE User Exchange Forum

Nils Wedi at the first DestinE User Exchange Forum

Peter Bauer presenting at the YOPP Final Summit

Peter Bauer presenting at the YOPP Final Summit

Thomas Geenen at the first Destination Earth User Exchange

Thomas Geenen at the first Destination Earth User Exchange

Peter Bauer at EuroHPC, March 2023

Peter Bauer at EuroHPC, March 2023

Florence Rabier presenting ECWMF, Copericus and DestinE at the EEA Conference March 2023

Florence Rabier presenting ECWMF, Copericus and DestinE at the EEA Conference March 2023

Florence Rabier presents Destination Earth at the European Space Conference

Florence Rabier presents Destination Earth at the European Space Conference

Florence Rabier learning about the interactive Wake tool at LPS

Florence Rabier learning about the interactive Wake tool at LPS

Irina Sandu presenting at LPS2022

Irina Sandu presenting at LPS2022

Peter Bauer speaking at Science Business in Brussels

Peter Bauer speaking at Science Business in Brussels