Destination Earth - ECMWF Use Case Providers
Urban Heat

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Addressing urban heat island effect with VITO: view info-page
This contract is one of several contracts for the development of use cases to guide and influence the development of Digital Twins. This one aims to provide present and future high-resolution urban heat maps for cities across Europe to underpin and support urban climate adaptation measures that are being developed within the EU’s cohesion policy and the development of EU policies related to the urban environment. The urban heat maps will be generated by means of a physics-based urban climate model, URBCLIM, drawing on data from DT Climate and other data available via DEDL. DG Regio is engaged as the primary policy user. Also, two cities will be selected in which local authorities will be involved to confirm and demonstrate the value at city level.
Find out more: DestinE for human heat stress: ECMWF use case to tackle urban heat islands
Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)